Pools of Horror

Picture by GK after Takahashi
Lili's Story
Part 2: From Bad To Worse
Part 3: The Gathering
Part 4: Desperate Measures
Part 5: Sacrifice
As I said in the author's notes, this continues Cursed by Richard Lawson. That story has Ranma's mind taken over by that of the girl who drowned at Jusenkyo. When I read Richard's story I came up with the idea of the same thing happening to Pantyhose and Rouge. This seemed like a logical unexpected consequence of the premise, and appealed to me for other reasons. A lot of stories deal with Ranma growing by accepting a more "feminine" personality. That's fine, but there are situations in which that male aggressiveness comes in useful and a "feminized" Ranma could get into trouble without it. This is one of them.
I've had more requests from authors asking to continue this story than I have for anything else. My answer is pretty much always the same: You're welcome to continue it, but I probably won't endorse it as the continuation, meaning that someone else could come along and write another one and that would be just as valid. So far as I know none of the people who've started stories that took off from this one have never finished them.