Morning Joe
Category: Local politics
Posted on October 15, 2010 by Gary
If their behavior is any indication, DuPage Republicans such as Forest Preserve Commissioner Joe Cantore would just as soon the general public didn't know they exist. Their job is to be rubber stamps to people like "D." Dewey Pierotti, for which they're paid handsomely out of our money.
But every few years, these guys have to run for re-election, which requires them do a certain amount of going out and meeting the public.
So, I happened to run into good old Joe at the Villa Park Metra station this morning as he was handing out campaign flyers for himself and County Board member Jeff Redick. Our brief conversation went roughly something like this:
Thanks, Joe, for giving us good reasons to vote for Dennis Clark and Hilary Denk.
But every few years, these guys have to run for re-election, which requires them do a certain amount of going out and meeting the public.
So, I happened to run into good old Joe at the Villa Park Metra station this morning as he was handing out campaign flyers for himself and County Board member Jeff Redick. Our brief conversation went roughly something like this:
JOE: Have you been to the forest preserves?
ME: Yeah. Say, I saw in the papers recently how the forest preserve president has declared the preserves off-limits to signs with candidates' names on them. Yet "D." Dewey Pierotti's own name is on big signs in every preserve.
JOE: Yeah, that is a little odd.
ME: But you're a commissioner. Wouldn't you be able to do something about that?
JOE: Um, yeah, well, I do try to take a stand, but when it's about saving money.
ME: But not putting up all those signs would've saved money.
JOE: I talked to people about it.
ME: [Thinks: Sure you did, Joe.]
JOE: But nothing came of it. It just fell on deaf ears.
ME: Then maybe we need some new ears.
Thanks, Joe, for giving us good reasons to vote for Dennis Clark and Hilary Denk.
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joec wrote:
Your recollection of our recent conversation was incorrect.
When you asked me about the article regarding political signs in the DuPage County Forest Preserves, I did say it was a little odd to have an article written about that subject (thinking it was just common sense that candidates would know better than to put their political signs in a preserve).
As for Dewey Pierotti having his name on the forest preserve entrance signs, what I DID say was that “it’s his prerogative to have his name on the sign,” as he is the president of the Forest Preserve District. As a matter of fact, I have talked to the other commissioners about that very subject with all of them having the same opinion.
Regarding your next statement of mine where you asked “wouldn’t I be able to do something about that,” my response was again, different. What I told you is that “we have a lot more important things to worry about then ID signs in the forest preserves” which advertises the name of the preserve to visitors. The commission has talked about it. Nothing came of it because we decided it worked. It didn’t “fall on deaf ears.” By the way, I do take a stand on many different issues, especially when it comes to saving taxpayer money.
As for a “rubber stamp” board, I invite you to attend one of our Forest Preserve meetings. The commission is anything but a “rubber stamp”. We work well together, question everything, and accomplish a lot for the taxpayers of DuPage County.
The next time you’re in one of the DuPage County Forest Preserves, take a moment and think about all of the work and passion that goes into making them as great as they are. Compare them to other forest preserves in the surrounding counties. The commissioners and the president are a small part of a fine organization of District staff who take a lot of pride in their work. From the naturalists, ecologists, project managers, finance staff, IT staff and the police department, each and every staff member works toward one common goal: The finest forest preserve district in the country!
With that being said, I invite you to get involved in one of our volunteer programs. We have a fantastic volunteer staff who collectively donate literally thousands of hours each year to the Forest Preserve District. Getting involved keeps your taxes down and you'll actually have fun doing it!
Your DuPage County Forest Preserve Commission has kept your taxes down, increased programming, kept an eye on how we spend YOUR money, and most important, preserves 26,000 acres of YOUR land.
Please stick to the facts and the issues that matter.