Campaign: Star Force Super Agents
This is a heroic-level game set in the future. You are part of Star Force, an elite investigative law-enforcement agency. You will travel to various planets in and out of the Federation, investigating those things which need to be investigated.
History: By the early twenty-first century of the old calendar, large trans-national corporations dominated the economy of the countries of the Earth. These corporations ran most aspects of daily life. Life was increasingly difficult for most people. There were fewer and fewer jobs offered, while the Earth's population had grown to record levels by this time. The planet's natural resources were being depleted at an alarming rate. The Earth's nations were beset by internal strife, as different groups fought for their own survival. Riots and fighting broke out in many places frequently, and crime ran rampant.
This state of turmoil lasted through most of the twenty-first century. Millions were killed by the violence, and even more by the resulting famine and disease. The corporate leaders realized that the situation threatened their own well-being. They instituted world-wide martial law using private armies of mercenary troops. The corporate media announced that this was all for the public good. The public was unconvinced. People throughout the world fought against and eventually defeated the corporate troops.
The population of the Earth had by this time been decimated, but as the environment and infrastructure of the planet were repaired, the population grew. The idea of going out into space and colonizing other planets began to get popular. After much work, scientists designed an explorer ship which could make the trip to the nearest stars, Proxima and Alpha Centauri, traveling at near-light speeds. After extensive research, the exploration team determined that some of the planets in these systems could be inhabited by humans after extensive terraforming and the introduction of some Earth vegetation. Years later, a space ark carried the first forty thousand colonists to these planets.
In the beginning, space travel was too inconvenient to be used for anything except to move colonists (permanently) from Earth to one of the colonies. That changed when Space Command in Proxima discovered a new substance, which became known as spacom. Scientists discovered that the energy fields in spacom could be used to create distortions in space and time. By using time distortion, spaceships could make much quicker interstellar trips. This was the beginning of interstellar commerce, and it also led to the famous Great Exploration of space, during which many other planets were explored. Those which were suitable were colonized; others were found to possess spacom, which was mined out and used for still further interstellar commerce and exploration.
This galactic expansion came quite abruptly to a halt, as it was unexpectedly realized that the supply of spacom was not going to be enough to keep up with the ever-increasing demand. Suddenly, the human race was back to turmoil as different groups fought for what they saw as their fair share of spacom. Contact was lost with the more remote worlds, and war broke out on the Earth and the other inner worlds. This war lasted for many years and caused incredible devastation, until the time when somebody (no one knows who, or whether accidentally or on purpose) released genetically engineered bacteria into the atmosphere of Earth. One of the warring factions reacted quickly, by sealing its cities in airtight domes. The rest of the factions on Earth were wiped out by the bacteria. After taking control of the Earth, this faction soon took control of the other inner worlds as well, in exchange for guarantees of basic liberties. The war was over, and the Federation had been created.
Soon, new technology allowed spacom to be used more efficiently. This made interstellar travel easier, and the Federation began the slow process of restoring contact with the outer planets. It attempted to use whatever means were necessary to persuade these planets to join. Commerce among the planets increased, and interplanetary corporations were formed.
Scientists developed new technologies, like tight-beamed time-distorted neutrino beams which allowed fast communication between star systems. Medical technology also advanced during this time, including the development of cybernetic body part replacements. The Federation also undertook experiments, kept secret at the time, to try to find advantageous ways in which human genetic structures could be modified. This led to, among other things, the development of measurable psionic abilities in humans. The government created an agency called the Special Tactics And Resources Force, or Star Force. This agency handled investigations and law enforcement duties in cases that dealt with psionics or anything else paranormal.
Time passed, and the Federation continued its efforts to expand. Meanwhile back on Earth, government scandals and resulting public pressure forced the government to implement reforms. Research on human genetics was outlawed. Star Force was made more independent so that it could go after government corruption when necessary.
You are part of Star Force. Because of past problems with corruption in the agency, your group has more autonomy than you might expect. Your superiors may ask you to look into a particular situation, but you can decide on your own to do something else. You have the freedom to handle things as you see fit, although you may have to justify your actions in the courts later.
Character Types: Characters may have one special ability. This will translate to one (maybe more) power in game terms. This ability should be highly limited and should not enormously increase the character’s combat effectiveness. Characters will have to use their wits as they will usually not succeed by brute force. Common sources of powers might be mutated (or alien) physiology; cybernetic body parts; or psionics. There is no magic in this campaign. Characters need not have powers at all, they may choose to concentrate on skills alone.
Each character should have his or her own motivation for having joined Star Force, one that fits into the character’s personality and background.
Example Powers:
1) Telekinesis: 10 STR TK, possibly with invisible effects and/or 5" Flight included; Concentrate 1/2 DCV throughout.
2) Invisibility, to normal sight, possibly with no fringe; not while wearing armor.
3) Super-brain: INT and/or EGO beyond normal maxima.
4) Cybernetic Arm: Extra STR, Does not add to figured stats, Only in one arm.
These are just examples, you can think of your own.
Campaign Tone
Same as the present-day superhero game, except:
Realism: (3) - Neutral.
Literature Equivalent: None comes to mind.
Campaign Specifics
Languages: A single language, which we’ll call Standard, is spoken throughout the Federation. This will be most people’s native language. Some of the outer worlds have their own languages. These languages are Ceti, Indii, Cordoba, Lacaille, and Kapteyn.
Package: All characters should have the following Covert Agent Package Deal:
Total Cost: 13 Points.
Money: Nobody should have a money disad, since you are all being paid by your agency. A character may buy wealth if he/she is independently wealthy.
Powers: Each character may have one special ability. This might translate to one or more powers in game terms. These powers must be approved by the GM. They should be low-key enough not to make your character too tough in combat -- you are investigative agents, not combat troops. In particular, attack powers are forbidden unless they have some serious limitations that will prevent them from being effective too often. Part or all of your ability might be superhuman characteristics; in this case, you are not bound by normal characteristic maxima for those particular characteristics. See examples in part 1.
As I said before, your character need not have powers at all, you may choose to concentrate entirely on skills.
Disadvantages: Everybody should be Watched by the Agency (More Pow, NCI, 14 --) for 15 points. Public or Secret ID is not appropriate for most characters. Most DNPCs should be at most 8 or less; because of all the traveling you will do, you won’t be able to interact with your DNPC that often—unless, of course, you have a variable DNPC (like "current love interest"), or your DNPC has some way to follow you around on missions.
History: By the early twenty-first century of the old calendar, large trans-national corporations dominated the economy of the countries of the Earth. These corporations ran most aspects of daily life. Life was increasingly difficult for most people. There were fewer and fewer jobs offered, while the Earth's population had grown to record levels by this time. The planet's natural resources were being depleted at an alarming rate. The Earth's nations were beset by internal strife, as different groups fought for their own survival. Riots and fighting broke out in many places frequently, and crime ran rampant.
This state of turmoil lasted through most of the twenty-first century. Millions were killed by the violence, and even more by the resulting famine and disease. The corporate leaders realized that the situation threatened their own well-being. They instituted world-wide martial law using private armies of mercenary troops. The corporate media announced that this was all for the public good. The public was unconvinced. People throughout the world fought against and eventually defeated the corporate troops.
The population of the Earth had by this time been decimated, but as the environment and infrastructure of the planet were repaired, the population grew. The idea of going out into space and colonizing other planets began to get popular. After much work, scientists designed an explorer ship which could make the trip to the nearest stars, Proxima and Alpha Centauri, traveling at near-light speeds. After extensive research, the exploration team determined that some of the planets in these systems could be inhabited by humans after extensive terraforming and the introduction of some Earth vegetation. Years later, a space ark carried the first forty thousand colonists to these planets.
In the beginning, space travel was too inconvenient to be used for anything except to move colonists (permanently) from Earth to one of the colonies. That changed when Space Command in Proxima discovered a new substance, which became known as spacom. Scientists discovered that the energy fields in spacom could be used to create distortions in space and time. By using time distortion, spaceships could make much quicker interstellar trips. This was the beginning of interstellar commerce, and it also led to the famous Great Exploration of space, during which many other planets were explored. Those which were suitable were colonized; others were found to possess spacom, which was mined out and used for still further interstellar commerce and exploration.
This galactic expansion came quite abruptly to a halt, as it was unexpectedly realized that the supply of spacom was not going to be enough to keep up with the ever-increasing demand. Suddenly, the human race was back to turmoil as different groups fought for what they saw as their fair share of spacom. Contact was lost with the more remote worlds, and war broke out on the Earth and the other inner worlds. This war lasted for many years and caused incredible devastation, until the time when somebody (no one knows who, or whether accidentally or on purpose) released genetically engineered bacteria into the atmosphere of Earth. One of the warring factions reacted quickly, by sealing its cities in airtight domes. The rest of the factions on Earth were wiped out by the bacteria. After taking control of the Earth, this faction soon took control of the other inner worlds as well, in exchange for guarantees of basic liberties. The war was over, and the Federation had been created.
Soon, new technology allowed spacom to be used more efficiently. This made interstellar travel easier, and the Federation began the slow process of restoring contact with the outer planets. It attempted to use whatever means were necessary to persuade these planets to join. Commerce among the planets increased, and interplanetary corporations were formed.
Scientists developed new technologies, like tight-beamed time-distorted neutrino beams which allowed fast communication between star systems. Medical technology also advanced during this time, including the development of cybernetic body part replacements. The Federation also undertook experiments, kept secret at the time, to try to find advantageous ways in which human genetic structures could be modified. This led to, among other things, the development of measurable psionic abilities in humans. The government created an agency called the Special Tactics And Resources Force, or Star Force. This agency handled investigations and law enforcement duties in cases that dealt with psionics or anything else paranormal.
Time passed, and the Federation continued its efforts to expand. Meanwhile back on Earth, government scandals and resulting public pressure forced the government to implement reforms. Research on human genetics was outlawed. Star Force was made more independent so that it could go after government corruption when necessary.
You are part of Star Force. Because of past problems with corruption in the agency, your group has more autonomy than you might expect. Your superiors may ask you to look into a particular situation, but you can decide on your own to do something else. You have the freedom to handle things as you see fit, although you may have to justify your actions in the courts later.
Character Types: Characters may have one special ability. This will translate to one (maybe more) power in game terms. This ability should be highly limited and should not enormously increase the character’s combat effectiveness. Characters will have to use their wits as they will usually not succeed by brute force. Common sources of powers might be mutated (or alien) physiology; cybernetic body parts; or psionics. There is no magic in this campaign. Characters need not have powers at all, they may choose to concentrate on skills alone.
Each character should have his or her own motivation for having joined Star Force, one that fits into the character’s personality and background.
Example Powers:
1) Telekinesis: 10 STR TK, possibly with invisible effects and/or 5" Flight included; Concentrate 1/2 DCV throughout.
2) Invisibility, to normal sight, possibly with no fringe; not while wearing armor.
3) Super-brain: INT and/or EGO beyond normal maxima.
4) Cybernetic Arm: Extra STR, Does not add to figured stats, Only in one arm.
These are just examples, you can think of your own.
Campaign Tone
Same as the present-day superhero game, except:
Realism: (3) - Neutral.
Literature Equivalent: None comes to mind.
Campaign Specifics
- Starting Points: 75
- Maximum Disadvantage Points: 75, 25 max from any single category.
- Automatic Normal Characteristic Maxima: Yes, except for stats directly associated with the character’s special ability. See below.
- Can carry normal items for free: Yes.
- Hit Locations: Not generally. They will be used if someone wants to aim for a certain location.
- Knockback or Knockdown: Knockdown.
- Long-term Endurance: Perhaps occasionally.
- Pushing: An EGO roll is required.
- Combat Value: 5-8 for beginning characters, maximum 10.
- SPD: 2-4 unless super-speed is your special ability.
- Attacks: According to weapon.
- Defenses: According to armor worn, plus PD and ED with normal maxima.
- CON: According to normal maxima.
Languages: A single language, which we’ll call Standard, is spoken throughout the Federation. This will be most people’s native language. Some of the outer worlds have their own languages. These languages are Ceti, Indii, Cordoba, Lacaille, and Kapteyn.
Package: All characters should have the following Covert Agent Package Deal:
- Acting
- Concealment
- Stealth
- WF: Small Arms
- Perk: Federation Police Powers
- KS: Star Force
- Package Bonus (-3) (does not count toward disad maximum)
Total Cost: 13 Points.
Money: Nobody should have a money disad, since you are all being paid by your agency. A character may buy wealth if he/she is independently wealthy.
Powers: Each character may have one special ability. This might translate to one or more powers in game terms. These powers must be approved by the GM. They should be low-key enough not to make your character too tough in combat -- you are investigative agents, not combat troops. In particular, attack powers are forbidden unless they have some serious limitations that will prevent them from being effective too often. Part or all of your ability might be superhuman characteristics; in this case, you are not bound by normal characteristic maxima for those particular characteristics. See examples in part 1.
As I said before, your character need not have powers at all, you may choose to concentrate entirely on skills.
Disadvantages: Everybody should be Watched by the Agency (More Pow, NCI, 14 --) for 15 points. Public or Secret ID is not appropriate for most characters. Most DNPCs should be at most 8 or less; because of all the traveling you will do, you won’t be able to interact with your DNPC that often—unless, of course, you have a variable DNPC (like "current love interest"), or your DNPC has some way to follow you around on missions.
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