Big Who
Who was the Doctor before he was the Doctor? (Answer: Yes.) A Doctor Who prequel based on the cartoon and book series Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce.Episode 1: Who's Who
Episode 2: A World of His Own
Episode 3: Getting Ahead of Myself
Episode 4: Outside the Box
Episode 5: Unwritten Rules
Episode 6: He Who Wins Shall Lose
Nate Wright is a loud and opinionated middle-school student who is not much into schoolwork and would rather spend his time writing and drawing comics, or playing sports. He's convinced that he's destined for greatness, although he's never really sure of what particular form this would take.
And so this story, which looks at the childhood of our favorite Time Lord using Big Nate as a model. The similarities are striking. Both of them have rather high opinions of themselves. ("If I ever need a ego, you've got the job," said The Moment to The Doctor.) Both of them rebelled against the worlds they were born into, feeling that they were worthy of better things. Both of them have trans-dimensional storage facilities that might contain just about anything you could name — in Nate's case, his locker. Both even have close acquaintances who are Social Studies teachers named Clara.
If you're not familiar with Big Nate, you might want to look for the books at your local library, or check out these sites:
Big Nate Books
Big Nate on GoComics
With gratitude to Doctor Who writers through the years, specifically to the works of:
Bob Baker
Johnny Byrne
Andrew Cartmel
Russell T. Davies
Terrance Dicks
Robert Holmes
Malcolm Hulke
Matt Jones
Barry Letts
Dave Martin
Steven Moffat
Terry Nation
Anthony Read
Robert Sloman
Keith Temple
Graham Williams
and of course
Lincoln Peirce