There Goes the Neighborhood

Picture by GK after Takahashi
Part 1: Strange Visitors
Part 2: Party Crashers
Part 3: Going to the Dogs
Part 4: Who Are You?
Part 5: After-Dinner Entertainment
Part 6: Fault
Part 7: Doomed
Part 8: Mermaid's Heart
Part 9: To Make You Happy
Part 10: Resurrection
Extra: Blooper Reel
My first ever entry into fanfiction, this was written in script format, which a fair number of people were using at the time, because I wasn't yet confident in my ability to write prose descriptions.
I think the comedy parts of this more or less hold up over time, though some of it is unnecessarily crude. The serious bits, not so much; the two villains (the killer, and the person who set him off) are rather cliche. Oh well, live and learn.